History of Sila
I (Jill) have been sole proprietor of Sila Sojourns since 2003, hiring other leaders to assist me on the journeys when needed. My wildlife biologist husband, Bruce McLean, also supports in myriads of ways behind the scenes, and our son, Caelan, equally passionate about the wilds, assists on some of the trips. Joyce chose to pursue her art career full time, one that has been deeply influenced by her experiences in the natural world of the Yukon and beyond. ( www.joycemajiski.ca)
I have chosen to keep Sila Sojourns a small business, so that I can lead each trip myself, and still have time for conservation work, creative endeavours, personal wilderness journeys and parenting. I am grateful for how Sila has enriched my life, and that of my guests, through sharing transformative experiences with fabulous people in incredible landscapes!